Cooper got me the perfect Christmas present this year!

Every now and again since we’ve been home Charlie will climb onto my lap and pat the place where I’m hurt.
And the girls have lots of questions about my upcoming surgery.
And Gus is mostly remembering to be gentle with Aunt Peachy’s body.
The sweetest sort of gifts.
Two days after my diagnosis I rolled my mat out in the back of the room at Angie’s yoga class, knowing I’d mostly be skipping flow and staying still in savasana. During practice, she asked us to be open to receiving – whatever comes our way. Meaning, for me, illness, but also all that is offered (and unexpected) in the days and weeks and months after finding out.
Not easy for me. My instinct is to say, it’s okay, don’t worry, I’ve got this. But since December 13 I’ve started to realize what she means about the beauty of saying yes. And I’m going to continue accepting the gifts offered to me. Gifts like reiki, meditation and yoga classes, second opinions, doggie / kid dates, mountain and beach respites, gold light and energy from priestesses in Brooklyn (!), meals, prayers, poems, medical research, movies, books, wine, rose quartz, T’s Fuck Cancer Fund, connections to friends of friends who have gone through this, Central Market gift cards, daily messages, flowers, and so many offers to come to Austin and stay with me while I’m healing.
Gifts like your closeness, Dad’s closeness.
The littles in my life.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.